DeliRec social network analyzes gastronomic trends.| Photo: DeliRec/Disclosure

The demand for more natural and healthier foods should increase in 2023. This analysis of gastronomic trends is carried out by the gastronomic social network DeliRec, based on research by Global Industry Analysts which points out that the world market for natural foods and beverages should reach US$496 billion by 2027. This data reinforces the forecast of the Organic Promotion Association (Organis), which indicated income of R$7 billion in the sector in 2023, in Brazil alone.

The search for a balanced menu should be the great gastronomic trend for 2023, and the consumption of foods with more nutrients – such as fruits and vegetables – should increase, with a focus on homemade and healthy food. Cooking at home has become a common habit for Brazilians, as a result of the pandemic, and it tends to grow. In a survey carried out by Tax Food Service in partnership with FGV Júnior, in December 2021, 40% of respondents said they intended to continue cooking at home.

According to DeliRec, this healthier trend should also be reflected in the beverage market. Low-alcohol or non-alcoholic beverages are becoming increasingly popular, and bars and restaurants are having to adapt to meet this demand. Non-alcoholic versions of cocktails made with drinks like gin, wine and beer are a bet to respond to this consumption movement.

The annual report of Euromonitor International 2021 indicates that the demand for healthy foods should continue to increase worldwide. Consumers are increasingly interested in non-processed foods, free of preservatives and chemical additives. Concern for health and well-being are priorities, and gastronomic trends point to a healthier and more diverse diet.