Facade of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Mapa).| Photo: Valter Campanato/Agência Brasil.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa) announced this Monday (15) the detection of the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza virus (H5N1) in two wild birds on the coast of Espírito Santo. In a note, the folder said that these were the first cases of the disease registered in Brazil.

According to the ministry, the detection of the disease “does not affect the condition of Brazil as a country free of IAAP”. The Official Veterinary Service (SVO) began, on the last 10th, the investigation of suspected avian influenza after notification received by the Institute for Research and Rehabilitation of Marine Animals of Cariacica, in Espírito Santo.

The Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Carlos Fávaro, declared a state of alert “to increase the mobilization of the private sector and of the entire official veterinary service to increase national preparation, increasing vigilance over the HPAI pandemic”. The folder highlighted that the “other WHOA member countries [Organização Mundial da Saúde Animal] shall not impose prohibitions on international trade in Brazilian poultry products”.

“Human infections with the Avian Influenza virus can be acquired, mainly, through direct contact with infected birds (alive or dead). notification through e-Sisbravet. You must not touch or pick up sick birds. The disease is not transmitted by the consumption of poultry meat or eggs”, said the ministry.