Bolsonaro’s son denies romantic involvement with former advisor

Bolsonaro’s son denies romantic involvement with former advisor

Jair Renan, Bolsonaro’s fourth son, decided to speak out on social media after his former advisor, Diego Pupe, told the police that he had a romantic relationship with him. In an Instagram story, the boy denied romantic involvement.

“If you ever see me making out with a male, you can be sure it’s a fight,” he said on the social network. 04’s publication became a joke on Twitter and his name ended up in the most talked about topics in recent hours.

Reproduction: Social Networks

“He just didn’t say it was a sword fight”, joked one. “Damn… If that’s not coming out… I don’t know what is”, commented another. “So his and his advisor’s relationship is toxic, they’re always fighting…”, said a third. “🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. So the fight was ugly, because the lover went to tell the police about her!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣”, posted another, recalling that the revelation was made in an official statement.

As internet users don’t waste time, many used the comments on Jair Renan’s latest post, in which he appears holding a gun, to make fun of the boy’s face: “🏳️‍🌈 He likes to pick up guns hahaha”, wrote one. “We know that you have a knack for holding a pistol….😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂”, laughed another. “Now we can understand all the homophobia. It was just because you ‘can’t’ come out and are frustrated… It makes perfect sense”, analyzed a third.

Understand the case

After giving a statement to the Civil Police of the Federal District (PCDF), last Thursday afternoon (14), Jair Renan Bolsonaro’s former advisor, Diego Pupe, said that he maintained a “loving and romantic” relationship with his son “04 ” by former president Jair Bolsonaro.

“I had a relationship with Renan, which I haven’t told anyone about yet. I was expecting all this ‘yay’ from the police, but I’ll talk about it soon, okay? I had an intimate, romantic relationship with him,” said Pupe after testifying as part of Operation Nexum.

At the end of last month, Jair Renan was the target of a search and seizure by the Police Station for the Repression of Crimes Against the Tax Order (Dot/Decor), a PCDF unit. Operation Nexum carried out another four search and seizure warrants and two preventive arrest warrants for crimes against public faith and criminal association, in addition to causing losses to the Federal District’s treasury.

Pupe told civil police officers that he had heard from Maciel Carvalho, Jair Renan’s manager, the order to transfer the company RB Eventos to another person. At that time, the son of the then president was being investigated by the Federal Police for alleged crimes of influence peddling and money laundering involving the firm. Before the change of ownership, RB operated at the same address as 357 Cursos, a shooting lessons company run by Maciel, according to the statement.

RB Eventos was transferred this year by Jair Renan to Marcos Aurélio Rodrigues, Maciel’s business partner and owner of 357. The Civil Police suspect that Rodrigues is an agent in an illegal scheme. The deal caught the attention of investigators because there was no payment for the movement, in addition to the firm having earned R$4 million in one year.

The former advisor claims that Renan was aware of what was happening within the company and the actions taken by Maciel. On the same subject, Pupe continues: “They are very intimate, right? In the press, they, in short, needled me a lot; You can see how close they were. So, Renan is, indeed, aware of what Maciel was doing.”

*With information from Metrópoles

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