Video: candidates in SP indicate their personal preferences – 10/01/2024 – Power
What are the preferences of candidates for Mayor of São Paulo regarding hobbies, food and music? The four best-positioned politicians in the latest Datafolha, Ricardo Nunes (MDB), Guilherme Boulos (PSOL), Pablo Marçal (PRTB) and Tabata Amaral (PSB), answered this question in the dressing room of the studio where the Folha/UOL debate took place .
The topics questioned were chosen based on questions selected in a poll carried out on the newspaper’s Instagram stories on Thursday (26).
Regarding hobbies, that is, what they like to do in their free time, they didn’t hesitate. The current mayor, Ricardo Nunes (MDB), says he likes to play with his grandson. PSB candidate, Tabata Amaral, enjoys running. Guilherme Boulos (PSOL) mentions reading, which is perhaps one of the few things he and Pablo Marçal share. The PRTB postulant says his hobby is reading the Bible.
When it comes to food, the candidates showed their appreciation for Brazilian cuisine. Nunes likes mincemeat; Feijoada cakes; Tabata mentions couscous and also stroganoff. Marçal mentions pasta as his favorite dish.
Candidates were asked about characters that inspire them. Boulos and Tabata cite international politicians. The psolista mentions the former president of Uruguay Pepe Mujica, and the PSB candidate, the Obama couple. She also made reference to her father-in-law Eduardo Campos, who died in 2014. Nunes mentions Jesus Christ, and Marçal, his wife.
The PRTB candidate said he likes listening to gospel music. The current mayor mentions the countryman. Boulos and Tabata say they enjoy Brazilian genres. The PSOL candidate cites samba and pagode, while Tabata prefers forró.
Candidates were also invited to reflect on how they see themselves in 10 years. Tabata, 30, and Boulos, 42, say they aim to be the best manager in the history of the city of São Paulo. Marçal, 37, says he wants to be seen as an agent who will be changing a country.
The current mayor finds himself in a more intimate situation, with his family. Now 56 years old, he sees himself in a decade with a fulfilled life, a happy family, and taking care of his grandchildren.