

The discovered stone circle is like a brother of the famous English Stonehenge, for observing the Solstice

Cleber Barbosa
Tourism Editor

Located seven kilometers from the municipality of Calçoene, in the interior of Amapá, an archaeological site known as “Stonehenge do Amapá” is a treasure of incalculable value. The most enthusiastic advocate that it could become an open-air museum with regular visits. The site has 127 rocks arranged in a circular shape and according to initial studies it would be an astronomical observatory of ancient indigenous peoples. The site will be a museum and archaeological park whose construction project is in charge of the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (Iphan).

According to researchers, the ruins have existed for a thousand years. The discovery of the place happened in 2005; the following year, excavations and surveys began. In 2009, Iphan hired a team to develop the project, which includes visits to archaeological collections. During the research, archaeologists discovered that the area was cleared for the construction of the stone circle and that it is related to the winter solstice, a celestial phenomenon. The idea is to return the pieces that were found in the excavations to their place of origin, to compose the museum’s collection.

An open-air museum

The construction of the museum will help keep the site preserved for future generations. “Underground there is still a lot to study and that is precisely what we want to guarantee”, commented the archaeologist, Mariana Petry. The construction of the archaeological park and the museum – both still unnamed – in the city of Calçoene is budgeted at R$ 5 million.

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