On the opposite way? Government announces benefits for the automotive industry

On the opposite way?  Government announces benefits for the automotive industry


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– Episode of the podcast 15 Minutes analyzes the announcement of benefits for the automotive industry made by the federal government

*) It even seemed like a return to the recent past: the federal government announcing incentives for the automotive industry.

Repeating what was common in other PT administrations, the government announced a tax benefit program for vehicle assemblers.

The intention is to lower the cost of so-called popular cars and stimulate the productive chain of the automotive sector.

According to the vice president and minister of Development, Industry and Commerce, Geraldo Alckmin (PSB), the program will allow vehicle prices to fall from 1.5% to 10.96%.

At the same time, the granting of new tax exemptions contradicts the discourse of the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, who since the beginning of the government has defended a reduction in this type of benefit.

To analyze this subject here in the 15 Minutes podcast, the guest is Célio Yano, from the Economics team at Gazeta do Povo.

The 15-minute podcast is a space for discussing important issues, always with analysis and the participation of Gazeta do Povo’s team of journalists. From Monday to Friday, in a light and dynamic way, with the duration that fits in the rush of your day. Presentation is by journalist Márcio Miranda.

Datasheet: ’15 Minutes’, news podcast by Gazeta do Povo #Presentation and script: Márcio Miranda; content direction: Rodrigo Fernandes; production team: Maria Eduarda Scroccaro assembly: Leonardo Bechtloff; distribution strategy: Marcus Ayres.


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