In the race for 2024, Nunes and Salles seek Bolsonaristas in São Paulo – 03/17/2023 – Panel

In the race for 2024, Nunes and Salles seek Bolsonaristas in São Paulo – 03/17/2023 – Panel


Probable competitors in the dispute for São Paulo City Hall in 2024, Ricardo Nunes (MDB) and Ricardo Salles (PL) scheduled meetings with politicians linked to Bolsonarism this Friday (17).

The current mayor and the federal deputy dispute the support of the PL in the capital. While representatives of the so-called “root wing” of the party defend an alliance with the emedebista, the followers of Jair Bolsonaro (PL) want the acronym to bet on the candidacy of the former Minister of the Environment.

Nunes will receive federal deputies Eduardo Bolsonaro (PL-SP) and Osmar Terra (MDB-SP) at the headquarters of the municipal administration. The invitation was made by the mayor, and this is the first time that the mayor and the son of Jair Bolsonaro meet.

Salles, in turn, received Eduardo Bolsonaro, Mario Frias, Luiz Philippe from Orléans and Bragança, Paulo Bilynskyj and Gil Diniz, all from the PL, with the aim of discussing the municipal succession.

On Wednesday (15), the parliamentarian followed the inauguration of state deputies in the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo. In the hallways, he was asked for photos and was hailed as a mayoral candidate by supporters. At the time, he said he hoped that all members of the PL come to their senses and realize that he is the best candidacy option, since the current management, according to him, has proved incapable of solving the city’s problems.

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