The deadline for re-registering weapons determined by the government is April 3. Minister promises “response of the Law” to those who do not re-register the weapon| Photo: Valter Campanato/Agência Brasil

In a speech during the launch of the National Program for Public Security with Citizenship (Pronasci) this Wednesday (15), the Minister of Justice and Public Security (MJSP), Flávio Dino, said that the re-registration of weapons in the Federal Police (PF) reached 60% of the country’s weapons.

On February 1, the minister issued an ordinance determining that all weapons for permitted and restricted use acquired after May 2019 should be registered in the PF system, the National Weapons System (Sinarm), within a period of 60 days, that is, until the 3rd of April.

Permitted weapons can be registered electronically on the PF website. On the other hand, owners of restricted-use weapons will have to register electronically and, later, present the equipment by prior appointment at Federal Police stations, bearing proof of registration in the Army’s Military Weapons Management System (Sigma).

“Those who insist on wanting to transform Brazil into a society of hate will find the answer of the Law in the sense that, obviously, weapons cannot be the object of trivialization”, said the minister, who went so far as to classify supporters of legal weapons as “extremist ideology ”.