Deputy hires former member of the ‘hate office’ – 03/14/2023 – Panel

Deputy hires former member of the ‘hate office’ – 03/14/2023 – Panel


Federal Deputy Delegado Ramagem (PL-RJ) hired José Matheus Sales Gomes, who was part of the so-called “hate office” in the government of Jair Bolsonaro (PL), as a cabinet advisor.

Gomes was part of the trio also composed of Tercio Arnaud and Mateus Diniz, who worked under the command of councilor Carlos Bolsonaro (PL-RJ) at the Planalto Palace, taking care of the president’s social networks. The nickname was motivated by the aggressive tone of many of the posts against opponents of the government.

With Bolsonaro’s defeat, the trio became unemployed. Arnaud must work with Bolsonaro in the PL, while Diniz still has no defined destination.

Former director of Abin (Brazilian Intelligence Agency), Ramagem is in the spotlight after the revelation, made by the newspaper O Globo, that the agency used a tool to monitor the location of cell phones during the past government.

The deputy’s advisory told the Panel that Gomes “has experience and competence with communication, integrating our team with the objective of assisting in parliamentary activities, publicizing the performance of deputy Ramagem in the Chamber and in the elaboration of legislative proposals”. The salary is R$ 5,587.

The parliamentarian also claims that the hiring has nothing to do with “the false narrative of a supposed office of hate”.

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