Congress will request Abin spying documents – 03/14/2023 – Panel

Congress will request Abin spying documents – 03/14/2023 – Panel


The vice-president of the Joint Commission for the Control of Intelligence Activities, senator Renan Calheiros (MDB-AL), will request Abin (Brazilian Intelligence Agency) all contracts and documents produced from the “FirstMile”, a tool used to monitor the location of up to 10,000 cell phones.

According to the newspaper O Globo, the agency did not have a protocol for using or controlling access to citizens’ data. By informing the phone number, the Israeli program was able to trace a movement history and create alerts in real time. It was used in the first three years of the Jair Bolsonaro (PL) government.

Renan Calheiros wants access to the documents to understand the extent of Abin’s monitoring. From the intelligence reports produced, it will be able to identify which were the targets. With this, she intends to clarify whether there is relevance with the agency’s activities or whether the tool was used to persecute opponents of the Bolsonaro government.

The mixed commission has not yet been officially installed, because it depends on the appointment of deputies, who make up half of the collegiate.

Another of Renan’s actions will be to give priority to the meeting of Luiz Fernando Corrêa, appointed by the government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) to Abin’s director-general.

The necessary stage for the nomination is conducted by the Committee on Foreign Relations, chaired by the senator himself. The CRE was installed last Wednesday (8), but has not yet scheduled a new meeting.

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