Companies take security secretaries to Estonia – 05/25/2023 – Panel SA

Companies take security secretaries to Estonia – 05/25/2023 – Panel SA


Technology companies organized a mission with governors and security secretaries to Estonia, the most digitized country in the world, with the aim of carrying out the plan to integrate civil and criminal databases.

Today, only Mato Grosso and Piauí use the solution, called X-Road, implemented by the Brazilian company X-Via.

The platform is used for the time being to unify the database in each state. But, in the future, they should be interconnected in a national system.

This integration is part of an ongoing plan adopted by ten Brazilian states (AC, AL, AP, BA, ES, GO, MA, MT, SC and SE).

In a first step, they are unifying the civilian database — a process that should be completed by the end of this year. Another five governors (RJ, MG, AM, RR and DF) showed interest.

Through this system, license plates and people can be identified when transiting through any of the states.

The second step will be the unification of criminal data for each state, an investment of up to R$ 4 million. For him, a citizen who committed the crime in one state will not be invisible when moving to another, as is currently the case.

“This will result in the reduction of crime through the agility and effectiveness of police investigations”, says Raphael Fassoni, CEO of Estonia Hub, which organizes the trip on the side of companies.

Coordination with the government is the Brazilian Association of State Entities of Information Technology. Patricia Sampaio, coordinator of ABEP, will be on the mission and will present the plan to be put into practice in Brazil.

With Diego Felix

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