CNJ will supervise the action of Justice in the RN crisis – 03/18/2023 – Panel

CNJ will supervise the action of Justice in the RN crisis – 03/18/2023 – Panel


The Internal Affairs of the CNJ (National Council of Justice) will send a judge on Monday (20) to monitor the activities of the two Criminal Execution Courts of the TJ-RN (Court of Justice of Rio Grande do Norte).

The corregidor, Minister Luís Felipe Salomão, established a procedure to accompany and monitor the performance of the judges responsible for criminal execution.

The idea is to assess whether they are acting adequately in the public security crisis experienced by the state since the beginning of the week.

The judge appointed to monitor the works was Cristiano Jarreta. If necessary, it will be up to him to adopt the appropriate measures, including the replacement of judges.

According to the Potiguar Public Prosecutor’s Office, the attacks are related to a union of factions that claim changes in conditions in state prisons.

An inspection carried out at the end of last year by a federal agency pointed to the practice of physical and psychological torture in the units, with punishments and provision of rotten food.

The Panel reached out to the TJ-RN, but the court did not respond.

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