The “Versus de Minas” cheese is part of a collection of authorial products from the brand, which includes the world-renowned Santo Casamenteiro, Azul de Minas, A Lenda and Serra da Mantiqueira cheese.| Photo: Cruzília/Disclosure

At the end of May, “Versos de Minas”, a new Cruzília product, arrives on the market. Elected “Innovative Product” at the 45th National Cheese Contest Instituto Cândido Tostes – ILCT and EPAMIG (Juiz de Fora/MG 2022), the dairy product is a combination of blue cheese and coffee, two traditions from the state of Minas Gerais.

“We want to be part of special moments for consumers. That’s why we worked for three years to develop Versos de Minas, until we reached a truly unique formulation”, explains Edson Martins, CEO of UltraCheese, the cheese and cream platform responsible for managing Cruzília.

Versos de Minas matures for 60 days, and will be available in a limited edition in the form and fraction versions. The blue cheese, made with the Penicillium Roqueforti mold, is one of the brand’s specialties. “We use the best milk terroir of Brazil for the production of fine cheeses, the Serra da Mantiqueira region, which provides milk with a higher fat content. The addition of coffee takes place right at the beginning of the process, giving it a surprising flavor”, says Martins.

Flavia Rogoski, managing partner of Bon Vivant, was at the product launch event at the Festval supermarket, in Curitiba. According to her, Versos de Minas cheese has a remarkable greasiness, which helps it melt quickly on the palate and, despite being a little salty, goes well with a protein-based preparation. “But it is a cheese that I imagine is difficult to pair with wines”, she observes.

The product will initially be sold exclusively in a partnership between Cruzília and some supermarket chains in São Paulo, Curitiba and the coast of Santa Catarina.