Apples make you hungry? Is it good for health? Nutritionist explains the benefits of fruit

Apples make you hungry?  Is it good for health?  Nutritionist explains the benefits of fruit


Podcast ‘Where do I eat from’ explains how to increase satiety after eating food. Apple: know the health benefits The apple is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus and iron. The fruit still helps fight free radicals. The podcast Where come what I eat talked to Caroline Capitani, a nutritionist at UNICAMP, about the benefits of apples – and how to increase satiety after eating the fruit. The specialist also warned about the risks of taking a dose of apple cider vinegar in the morning, on an empty stomach. 🎧 LISTEN to the details in the episode (above), and learn more about the nutritional value of apples below: MINIFRUITS: Farmer grows pearl-sized apples in Russia Why are sweet potatoes so popular with athletes? Nutritionist explains WHERE IT COMES FROM: watch the videos in the series Nutritionist Caroline Capitani highlighted that the fruit reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and helps with weight control. Apple increases hunger? Despite being a common impression for those who eat apples (read below), the specialist explained that there is no study that proves that the fruit increases hunger. On the contrary: as a source of fiber, apples could contribute to increased satiety. “There is nothing specific about the mechanisms that the apple exerts in our body. But when I eat an apple, it also whets my appetite”, reveals the nutritionist. On the internet, the opinion is similar to hers: Initial plugin text Initial plugin text Initial plugin text Initial plugin text Apple is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Fumiaki Hayashi/ Unsplash 🎧 ALSO LISTEN:


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