5 days to go: e-Título update is available for those who want to vote with the app – Diário do Amapá

5 days to go: e-Título update is available for those who want to vote with the app – Diário do Amapá

Launched in 2017, the Electoral Justice e-Título application is another of the facilities that the Electoral Justice provides to Brazilian voters. Currently, the application has more than 75 million downloads and more than 46 million registered accounts.

To vote in the 2024 Municipal Elections, simply present an official document with a photo at the polling station or use the digital version of your voter registration card, which is the e-Título.

However, in order for you to be able to identify yourself only through the app, your profile on the app must have a registered photo, which only happens if you have completed biometric registration with the Electoral Court.

If you haven’t done it, no problem. Simply bring one of these official documents with a photo to vote: your identity card (General Registry or RG) or social identity (in the case of trans and transvestite people); the passport; the reservist certificate (for men who provided military service in the reserves); the work card or professional category recognized by law; or the National Driving License (CNH).

Recommended update

Currently, more than 46 million Brazilians have accounts registered with e-Título. However, the Electoral Court found that almost half of registered voters need to update the app. These accounts are disabled due to the modernization of the application system. Therefore, to reactivate your account, the TSE recommends updating.

This is very easy. Check it out: the first step is to access the application update tab on your device (in the Google Play and Apple Store virtual stores) and click on “Update”.

With the update made, simply enter your personal data and carry out the biometric verification – for those who have this data collected by the Electoral Court –, among other items. Ready! By doing this, your app will be activated and will have the latest version available.

The latest update to the application brought improvements in biometric identification and polling location consultation, in addition to improved performance.

Other functions

In addition to allowing you to obtain the digital version of your voter registration card, the e-Título provides quick and easy access to information about voters registered with the Electoral Court. Since it was launched, the application has gained several features and updates.

In addition to consulting the polling place, it is possible to issue certificates – for those who have biometrics registered –, justify absence from the election, access and issue guides for paying fines, authenticate documents issued by the Electoral Court, among other services. , all without the need to go to an electoral office.

Download and update the e-Título in advance

The Electoral Court also recommends that voters download or update the e-Título in advance to avoid any virtual queues in the days leading up to the October 6 election. These queues can compromise the quality of the connection due to the large number of simultaneous accesses.

Accessing the app in advance brings another benefit: it allows voters to calmly and carefully fill in the data that the app requests. It is worth noting that the virtual version of the voter registration card cannot be issued on election day.

Source: TSE

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